Tuesday, April 1, 2014





1. Candidate should Affix Two (2) Passport Size (3.5 x 4.5 cm) Photographs on the application in the
place provided for photographs (Do not staple pin on the photos, small size photos will be rejected).

2. Students desirous of taking their Degree in-absentia have to fill-in this form submit to the Controller of
Examinations, Dr.BRAOU, Hyderabad duly filled in accompanied by prescribed fee through a challan
paid in any one of the SBH Branches or Demand Draft any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the
Registrar, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad.

3. The candidate is instructed to be very careful about the entries to be made in all the columns. All
entries should be made in candidates own handwriting and he / she will be held personally
responsible for any incorrect entry that he / she makes. Signature of the candidate is compulsory
on application.


1. Demand Draft of Rs.300/- or Rs.400/- or Rs.500/- (Tick whichever is applicable)
2. Two Passport Size Photographs.
3. Xerox copy of Identity Card
4. Xerox Copy of S.S.C. & Provisional / Degree Certificate of Qualifying Exam or its equivalent exam.
5. Xerox Copy of Provisional & I, II, III Year Marks Memos for which now you have applied for Degree

NOTE: Your application will be rejected, If, you do not enclose any one of the above checklist.

American Express Credit Card Application Form

American Express Credit Card Application Form

American express main website

For Salaried
Annual income of Rs. 200,000/- per annum.
Latest personal income tax return displaying an income of Rs.200,000/-
per annum, acknowledged by I.T.O.
Latest salary certificate or monthly payslip from employer with break-up
(acceptable only if employed with the Government, a Public Limited or a
Multinational Company).
Copy of the Basic Credit Card and the latest Credit Card statement
displaying a credit limit of at least Rs. 35,000/

For Self-Employed
Annual income of Rs.100,000/- per annum.
Latest personal income tax return displaying an income of Rs.100,000/-
per annum, acknowledged by I.T.O.
Copy of the Basic Credit Card and the latest Credit Card statement
displaying a credit limit of at least Rs.25,000/-
Note: If business income is less than Rs.100,000/- per annum, please
provide the latest audited profit and loss statement and balance sheet
of the company.

Format of Application by a Foreign Bank to Reserve Bank of India for grant of Permission to open its Representative Office in India

Format of Application by a Foreign Bank to Reserve Bank of India for
grant of Permission to open its Representative Office in India
I. General Information

1. Name of the applicant bank :

2. Place and date of incorporation :

3. Address of Head Office :

II. Ownership & Management

1. List of names and addresses of directors and their
qualifications and principal business

Name & address    Qualifications    Principal business

2. Details of shareholders holding 10 per cent or more of voting
stock and their principal business

3. Name of the Chief Executive Officer

4. Name & designation of Senior official at Head quarters who will be
responsible for the bank's operations in India

III. Structure

1. Organisational chart showing subsidiaries and associated

2. Countries in which the bank and its subsidiaries operate
3. No. of domestic and overseas branches

IV. Financial Position

1. Highlights of financial position of the bank based on last
three years financial statements

2. Capital adequacy ratio as per BIS standards indicating

Tier - I and Tier - II capital separately

3. Ranking in home country and global ranking

4. Credit ratings by international credit rating agencies

V. Supervisory Arrangements

1. Details of supervisory arrangements to which the bank
is subject in its country of origin.

2. Home country regulations on entry of foreign banks

VI. Details of existing relationship with India

1. Details of correspondent banking relationships with Indian
banks and the aggregate amount of lines of creditor other
limits extended to them.

2. Details of foreign currency loans extended to Indian companies
and other types of business transacted such as underwriting of equity/
debt issues of Indian companies etc.

VII. Details of proposed Rep. Office in India

1. Location :

2. Purpose of opening the office in India, the benefits to the different
sectors in the Indian community and activities proposed to be undertaken

VIII.Documents to be enclosed

1.Copies of Memorandum & Articles of Association or similar documents

2. Last three years’ financial statements

3. Certificate from supervisory authority that the applicant is duly authorised as a bank, is of
good standing and it has been permitted to open a Rep. Office in India.

4. Approval letter from the Bank's Board.


(Paragraph 10B.2)
[To be filed with the Regional Office of RBI in connection with issue of shares under the ‘Automatic
Route of RBI’ availing of the general permission]
(i) Please carefully fill in all items; put “N.A.” wherever not applicable.
(ii) Please indicate only NIC Code No. and description in items VII & VIII.
(iii) Please note to obtain separate permission wherever approval for technology transfer is required, by
lodging application in Form FT(RBI) with the Regional Office of RBI.
I. Nature of activity (Please carefully tick the appropriate box)
For Foreign Investment only
 1. not exceeding 51% for manufacture of products in Annexure III industries.
 2. not exceeding 51% for Hotel/Tourism Related Industries as per Annexure III.
 3. not exceeding 51% for Services Sector in Annexure III.
 4. not exceeding 51% in Trading Companies primarily engaged in Exports.
 5. not exceeding 50% in Mining Sector in Annexure III.
 6. not exceeding 74% for Manufacture of Products in Annexure III.
 7. not exceeding 74% for Services Sector in Annexure III.
 8. upto 100% for industries/items included in Part ‘D’ of Annexure III.


ENC (Statement of Export Bills negotiated/sent for collection during fortnightly period)

We certify the following:
1. The proceeds of exports declared on the GR/PP/SOFTEX forms or in SDF appended to EC copy of EDI
Shipping Bills listed below have been either received in advance (in full/part) or will be received within
the prescribed period and in manner approved by Reserve Bank. In cases where part of export proceeds
have been received in advance, we undertake to receive the balance of export proceeds within the
prescribed period in an approved manner.
2 In respect of exports under deferred payment arrangements the concerned exporters have declared the RBI
approval numbers and dates on the corresponding duplicate GR/PP forms/SDF with EC copy of EDI
Shipping Bill.

3 The relative duplicate copies of GR/PP/SOFTEX forms/SDF with EC copy of EDI Shipping Bill are held
with us and will be forwarded to Reserve Bank duly certified, on realisation of full export proceeds.

4 The negotiation and/or acceptance for collection of export bills pertaining to the forms listed herein is/are
in accordance with the Exchange Control requirements.


ECB 6 (Application for permission to raise External Commercial Borrowings under USD 5 million Scheme/ USD10 million Scheme)

1. The application complete in all respects should be submitted in duplicate by the applicant
company through the authorised dealer to the Chief General Manager, Exchange Control
Department, Central Office, ECB Division, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai - 400 001. In
case the credit facilities are availed of from a consortium of banks, the application should
be submitted through the lead bank.
2. No column should be left blank and/or omitted. Where any column/item is not applicable,
please indicate "Not applicable" against it.
3. Before forwarding the application to Reserve Bank, the authorised dealer should
carefully scrutinise the application for raising the proposed foreign currency loan and
ensure that the application is complete in all respects.
4. Please furnish the details in a separate sheet wherever space is not sufficient.
5. Following documents duly certified by Authorised Dealer should be forwarded with the
(i) A copy of offer letter from the overseas lender furnishing complete details of the
proposed loan arrangement and its terms and conditions.
(ii) Bank certificates in respect of export realisation for last 3 years in case the
application is being made under Exporters’/Foreign Exchange Earners’ Scheme.
(iii) Copy of credit rating awarded by a recognised credit rating agency and copy of
RBI registration certificate if the applicant is a NBFC.
(iv) Copies of FIPB/SIA/CCEA approvals wherever applicable.

Currency Declaration Form (CDF)

Currency Declaration Form (CDF)

(Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973)
Instructions for passengers:
1. This form need not be completed in cases where the aggregate value of the foreign exchange
brought in by the passenger in the form of currency notes, bank notes, or travellers cheques
does not exceed U.S.$ 10,000/- or its equivalent and/or the value of foreign currency notes
does not exceed U.S.$ 5,000 or its equivalent.
2. Passengers are advised to produce this form to a bank authorised to deal in foreign exchange
or money changer at the time of conversion of foreign exchange into Indian rupees or
reconversion of rupees into foreign exchange.
3. Visitors to India may please note that in case they do not wish to encash all the foreign
exchange declared above they should retain this form with them for production to the
Customs at the time of their departure from India to enable them to take with them the
unutilised balance.
4. Details of travellers’ cheques/currency notes need not be furnished.
5. Foreign tourists need not indicate their address.

BCX (Certificate of Export)

BCX (Certificate of Export)

BCX is a free software programming development application originally created in 1999 by Kevin Diggins. BCX converts BASIC source code to C/C++ source code which can then be compiled using any one of a number of available Microsoft Win32 C/C++ compilers.
For many years, most implementations of BASIC shared a nagging drawback - the programs that users created performed slower than similar programs that were created using C/C++. BCX changed that by giving users the friendliness and ease of use of the BASIC language and coupled it with the high performance and flexibility of C/C++.
BCX is written in the BCX BASIC language, making BCX a self-translating translator. BCX was made an open source project in 2004. Since then, several members of the BCX community have led the continued development and maintenance of BCX. Recent project forks have resulted in variants of BCX that can produce native-code applications that run on Linux and Apple operating systems.
BCX contains verbs that simplify the creation of Windows UI desktop applications. Unlike many BASIC implementations that rely on slow run-time engines, the combination of BCX and most C/C++ compilers produce efficient and high performing native code applications. BCX can be used to easily create GUI, DLL, console mode, and web server applications. BCX also makes it easy to take advantage of the vast number of available C libraries that, for decades, BASIC programmers were unable to benefit from.

opening of branches representative offices by foreign banks in India

Application form for opening of branches representative offices by foreign banks in India

Application by a foreign bank to Reserve Bank of India
for grant of licence to open its maiden branch in India
I. General Information
1. Name of the applicant bank:
2. Place and date of incorporation;
3. Address of Head Office:
II. Ownership & Management
1. List of names and addresses of directors and their
 qualifications and principal business
 Name & address Qualifications Principal
2. Details of shareholders holding 10 per cent or more of voting
 stock and their principal business
3. Name of the Chief Executive Officer
4. Name & designation of senior official at Head quarters that will be
 responsible for the bank's operations in India
III. Structure
1. Organisational chart showing subsidiaries and associated
2. Countries in which the bank and its subsidiaries operate
3. No. of domestic and overseas branches
IV. Financial Position
1. Highlights of financial position of the bank based on last
 three years financial statements
2. Capital adequacy ratio as per BIS standards indicating
 Tier - I and Tier - II capital separately
3. Ranking in home country and global ranking
4. Credit ratings by international credit rating agencies
V. Supervisory Arrangements
1. Details of supervisory arrangements to which the bank
 is subject in its country of origin.
2. Home country regulations on entry of foreign banksVI. Details of existing relationship with India
1. Details of correspondent banking relationships with Indian
 banks and the aggregate amount of lines of creditor other
 limits extended to them.
2. Details of foreign currency loans extended to Indian companies
and other types of business transacted such as underwriting of equity/
debt issues of Indian companies etc.
VII. Details of proposed branch operations in India
1 Location of branch:
2. Details of proposed initial capitalisation :
3. Number of expatriate officials proposed to be posted in India
4.Purpose of opening the branch in India the benefits to the different
 sectors in the Indian community and activities proposed to be undertaken.
5. Business Plan.
VIII .Documents to be enclosed
1.Copies of Memorandum Articles of Association or similar documents
2.Last three years financial statements
.Certificate from supervisory authority that the applicant bank is duly authorised as a bank, is
of good standing and it is under consolidated supervision.
4.Copy of the approval/authorisation given by the home country supervisor/ regulator
permitting to open a branch in India.
5. Approval letter from the Bank's Board.
Application by a foreign bank to Reserve Bank of India for
grant of permission to open its Representative office in India
I General Information
 1. Name of the applicant bank :
 2. Place and date of incorporation :
 3. Address of Head Office :II. Ownership & Management
 1. List of names and addresses of directors and their
 qualifications and principal business
 Name & address Qualifications Principal
 2. Details of shareholders holding 10 per cent or more of voting
 stock and their principal business
3 Name of the Chief Executive Officer
 4. Name & designation of Senior official at Head quarters who will be
 responsible for the bank's operations in India
III. Structure
1. Organisational chart showing subsidiaries and associated
2. Countries in which the bank and its subsidiaries operate
3. No. of domestic and overseas branches
IV. Financial Position
1. Highlights of financial position of the bank based on last
 three years financial statements
2. Capital adequacy ratio as per BIS standards indicating
 Tier - I and Tier - II capital separately
3. Ranking in home country and global ranking
4 Credit ratings by international credit rating agencies
V. Supervisory Arrangements
1. Details of supervisory arrangements to which the bank
 is subject in its country of origin.
2. Home country regulations on entry of foreign banks
VI. Details of existing relationship with India
1. Details of correspondent banking relationships with Indian
 banks and the aggregate amount of lines of creditor other
 limits extended to them.
2. Details of foreign currency loans extended to Indian companies
and other types of business transacted such as underwriting of equity/
debt issues of Indian companies etc.
VII. Details of proposed Rep. Office in India
1. Location :
2. Purpose of opening the office in India, the benefits to the different
 sectors in the Indian community and activities proposed to be undertakenVIII .Documents to be enclosed
1.Copies of Memorandum Articles of Association or similar documents
2. Last three years financial statements
3. Certificate from supervisory authority that the applicant is duly authorised as a bank, is
of good standing and it has been permitted to open a Rep. Office in India.
4. Approval letter from the Bank's Board.

Inflation Indexed National Savings Security – Cumulative (IINSS-C)

Application form for Inflation Indexed National Savings Security – Cumulative (IINSS-C)

1. What is the inflation index to which inflation rate will be linked?

Inflation rate will be based on the final combined Consumer Price Index [(CPI) base: 2010=100].

The final combined CPI will be used as reference CPI with a lag of three months. For example, the final combined CPI for September 2013 will be used as reference CPI for whole of December 2013.

2. Who is eligible to invest in the Inflation Indexed National Saving Securities-Cumulative (IINSS-C)?

Only retail investors would be eligible to invest in these securities. The retail investors would include individuals, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), charitable institutions registered under section 25 of the Indian Companies Act and Universities incorporated by Central, State or Provincial Act or declared to be a university under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956).
3. What is the interest rate on these securities?

There will be two parts in the interest rate. One, fixed rate of 1.5% per annum and second, inflation rate.

For example, if inflation rate during the six months is 5%, then interest rate for this six months would be 5.75% (i.e. fixed rate -0.75% and inflation rate -5%).

4. Is there any floor as inflation may turn into deflation at times?

Yes, fixed rate of 1.5% would act as a floor, which means that 1.5% per annum interest rate is guaranteed if there is deflation.

For example, if inflation rate is (-) 5%, then interest rate should be (-) 3.5% by simple calculation. But in such case, negative inflation will not be recognised and investors would get fixed rate of 1.5% (please see example 2 at 23).

5. When do I get interest?

Interest will be accrued and compounded in the principal on half-yearly basis and paid along with principal at the time of redemption.
6. What will I get on redemption?

On redemption, investors will get principal and compounded interest.

8. What will be the process of investing?

Investors can invest through the authorised banks and Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL).

They will fill an application form and submit the same along with other documents and payment to the bank.

On receipt of money, the bank will register the investor on the RBI’s web-based platform (E-Kuber) and on validation, generate the Certificate of Holding.

9. What will be the form of these securities?

These securities will be issued in the form of Bonds Ledger Account (BLA).

The securities in the form of BLA will be issued and held with RBI and thus, RBI will act as central depository.

A certificate of holding will be issued to the holder of securities in BLA.

10. Whether investor needs to open a BLA account with a bank for making an investing?

Investor does not need to open a BLA with any bank for making investment.

After receiving the money and registration of the investor on RBI’s CBS (E-Kuber), the RBI will open a BLA for each investor and issue a “Certificate of Holding” indicating number of units of IINSS-C held by the investor.

11. Which are the authorised banks?

The authorised banks are SBI & Associates, Nationalised Banks, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank.
12. Should the customer apply through the bank in which he/she has an account?

Customers can approach any of the authorised banks, including SHCIL for such investment irrespective of whether they hold an account or not with that bank.
13. Who will provide the other customer services to the investors after issuance of securities?

The banks through which these securities have been purchased will provide other customer services.

Investors can approach the banks for other services such as change of address, early redemption, nomination, lien marking, etc.

14. Whether joint holding will be allowed?

Yes, joint holding will be allowed.
15. What is the minimum and maximum limit for investment?

The minimum investment limit is Rs. 5,000/- (five thousand).

The maximum limit is Rs. 10 lakh per annum for eligible individual investors and Rs. 25 lakh per annum for institutions such as HUFs, Charitable Trusts, Education Endowments and similar institutions which are not pro-profit in nature.

16. Whether premature redemption is allowed?

Yes premature redemption is allowed.

For senior citizens above 65 years, the premature redemption is allowed after one year. For others, it is allowed after 3 years.

Penalty at the rate of half of the last payable coupon will be charged from the investors. For example, if last payable coupon is Rs. 1,000/-, then Rs. 500 would be charged as penalty..

17. How do I redeem these securities?

In case of redemption prematurely before the maturity date, investors can approach the concerned bank few days before the coupon date and apply.

In case of redemption on maturity, the investor will be advised one month before maturity regarding the ensuing maturity of the bond advising them to provide a Letter of Acquaintance, confirming the NEFT account details, etc.

If everything is in order, the investor has to be paid immediately on the maturity date for payments through electronic mode and within maximum five days for any payment through physical instruments.

18. Whether these securities transferable?

Transferability is allowed to the nominee(s) only for individual investors on death of holder.

Transferability is not allowed for other investors

19. Can I use these securities as collateral for loans?

Yes, these securities are eligible to be used as collateral for loans from banks, financial Institutions and Non Banking Financial Companies, (NBFC).
20. Banks will offer loans against the collateral of IINSS-C at what rate of interest?

As per extant RBI’s guidelines, banks will be free to decide interest rate on loans against these securities, subject to the condition that such interest rate is to be at base rate or above.
21. What are the tax implications?

Existing taxation applicable to Government of India securities issued as part of the market borrowing will be applicable to these securities.
22. Whether TDS will be applicable?

Existing taxation applicable to Government of India securities will be applicable to these securities.

Sub-section (iv) of the Section 193 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 stipulates that no tax shall be deducted from any interest payable on any security of the Central Government or a State Government, provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply to the interest exceeding rupees ten thousand payable on 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 during the financial year.

As per the above Section, TDS shall not be deducted from any interest payable on IINSS-C, until and unless notified by the Government of India otherwise.

23. Who will do the KYC?

As customers will be owned by the banks, KYC will also be done by the banks.
24. When will customers be issued securities?

The customers should be issued the securities after receiving clear money. After receiving clear money, banks should register the customer on CBS and generate Certificate of Holding.