Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 Jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah,  Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho and California. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL VISA APPLICANTS: 1. Passport in original valid for a minimum of six months should accompany visa applications. 2. Paste/staple TWO 2”x2” passport size photograph at the space provided on the front page (right top corner). 3. Foreigners holding other than United States passports should submit proof of long- term (at least three years)/ permanent residence (copy of  green card) in the United States. For citizens of other countries, who do not normally stay in U. S. ,  a reference has to be made to their country  of residence for which an additional $20 fee is applicable and will involve five to seven days processing time (see also (a) to (e)). Please refrain  from making inquiries about the status of application during this time. 4. For citizens of other countries, who are visitors in USA please also submit the Clearance form. 5. Payment of Fees:  All fees should be paid either in cash (accepted only at the counter) or through money orders, bank drafts or cashier  checks (by Mail) drawn in favor of Consulate General of India, San Francisco, WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS, COMPANY CHECKS AND CREDIT CARDS. If such payments are sent the application cannot be processed and it will only delay the  service. Please do not send any cash by mail as cash is accepted only at the counter. It must be noted that fees once received cannot be refunded  under any circumstances, even if the application is withdrawn by the applicant or services are not provided to the individual as his case does  not qualify for that particular service. This amount may be combined with the fees and only one draft/money order/cashier check could be sent. Please Note: Visas are issued valid from the date of Issue, for period applied for by the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to  apply in time and for validity as per their requirement

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