Tuesday, December 25, 2012

voter id forms maharashtra

maharashtra voter id application forms download hear

Form No -6       click hear
Form No -7       click hear
Form No -8       click hear
Form No -8A    click hear
Form No -18    click hear
Form No -19    click hear

Contact Us:
Chief Electoral Officer, Maharashtra
Phone Number: 22025059
Fax: 22835698

voter id apply online india

Form 6 apply online any state - click hear

General Instructions
Who can file Form-6
1. First time applicant on attaining age of 18years or more on the first day of January of the year with
reference to which the electoral roll is being revised.
2. Person shifting his / her place of ordinary residence outside the constituency in which he / she is already
When Form-6 can be filed
1. The application can be filed after draft publication of electoral roll of the constituency. The application is to
be filed within the specific days provided for the purpose. Due publicity is given about the above period
when the revision programme is announced.
2. Only one copy of the application is to be filed.
3. Application for inclusion of name can be filed through out the year even when the revision programme is
not going on. During non-revision period, application must be filed in duplicate.
Where to file Form-6
1. During revision period, the application can be filed at the designated locations where the draft electoral roll
is displayed (mostly polling station locations) as well as the Electoral Registration Officer and Assistant
Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency.
2. During other period of the year when revision programme is not going on, the application can be filed only
with the Electoral Registration Officer.
How to Fill the Form-6
1. The application should be addressed to the Electoral Registration Officer of the constituency in which you
seek registration. The name of the constituency should be mentioned in the blank space.
2. Name (With Documentary Proof)
The name as it should appear in the electoral roll and Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) should be
furnished. The full name except the surname should be written in the first box and surname should be
written in the second box. In case you do not have a surname, just write the given name. Caste should not
be mentioned except where the caste name is used as part of the elector’s name or a surname. Honorific
appellations like Shri, Smt. Kumari, Khan, Begum, Pandit etc. should not be mentioned.
3. Age (With Documentary Proof)
The age of the applicant should be eighteen or more on 1st January of the year with reference to which the
electoral roll is being revised. The age should be indicated in years and months.
e.g. A person born on or upto 1/1/1991 will be eligible for inclusion in the electoral roll which is being revised with
reference to 1/1/2009. Persons born on 2/1/1991 or thereafter upto 1/1/1992 shall be eligible for inclusion during the
next revision with reference to 1/1/2010.
4. Sex
Write your sex in full in the space provided e.g. Male / Female. Eunuchs have to choose from one of these
5. Date of Birth (With Documentary Proof)
Fill up the date of birth in figures in the space provided in dd/mm/yyyy.
Proof of date of birth to be attached are as under:
(i) Birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authorities or district office of the Registrar of
Births & Deaths or Baptism certificate; or
(ii) Birth certificate from the school (Govt. / Recognised) last attended by the applicant or
any other recognised educational institution; or
(iii) Illiterate or semi-illiterate applicant who is not in possession of any of the above
document are required to attach a declaration in prescribed format by either of the
parents already included in the electoral roll in support of the applicants age. The
format will be supplied on demand.
N.B. In the case of applicants born on or after 26.01.1989, only birth certificate issued by the
Municipal Authorities or district office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths is acceptable.
6. Place of Birth
In case born in India, please mention name of place like Village / Town, District, State.
7. Relation’s Name:
In case of unmarried female applicant, name of Father / Mother is to be mentioned. In case of married
female applicant, name of Husband is to be mentioned. Strike out the inapplicable options in the column.
8. Place of Ordinary Residence
Fill up the full and complete postal address including PIN code where you are ordinarily residing and want
to get registered, in the space provided.
Proof of ordinary residence to be attached are as under:
(i) Bank / Kisan / Post Office current Pass Book, or
(ii) Applicants Ration Card / Passport / Driving License / Income Tax Assessment Order, or
(iii) Latest Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas Connection Bill for that address, either in the
name of the applicant or that of his / her immediate relation like parents etc., or
(iv) Postal department’s posts received / delivered in the applicant’s name at the given address.
NOTE: If any applicant submits only ration card as proof of address, it should be accompanied by one more proof of
address out of the above categories.
9. Details of Family Members Already Included in the Electoral Roll
Please fill up name and other particulars of immediate family members i.e. Father /
Mother / Brother / Sister / Spouse included in the current electoral roll of the constituency.
Name of any other relation like uncle, aunt, cousin brother / sisters etc. not to be mentioned.
10. Declaration
Please indicate date from which you are residing in the given address. In case the exact date is not known,
fill-up month and year.
If your name is already included in the electoral roll of any other constituency, please write legibly the full
previous address with PIN code.
If you already have been issued with a Photo Identity Card by the Election Commission,
please mention the card number (printed on the front side) and date of issue (printed on the
back side) of the card in the space provided. Please attach a self-attested photocopy of both
sides of the card.
In many places the photograph of the elector is also printed in the electoral roll. You have the option to submit one
recent coloured passport-size photograph alongwith the form. The photograph will be used to print your image in the
electoral roll and issue of identity card, if required.
Please also give your full name and address on the acknowledgement and intimation portions.
Please give your mobile number and E-mail I.D in the Form , which is optional , as the same ,if given, may be used
by the Electoral Registration Officer for further communication with the applicant whenever required.

voter id application forms tamilnadu

tamilnadu voter id application forms download available hear

Form 6 English - click hear
Form 6 Tamil    - click hear
Form 7 English - click hear
Form 7 Tamil    - click hear
Form 8 English - click hear
Form 8 Tamil    - click hear
Form 8A English- click hear
Form 8A Tamil - click hear
Form 6A English - click hear
Form 6A Tamil   - click hear

Tamilnadu govt office deatails           For more details click hear

voter id e registration Tamil Nadu

The Forms pertaining to the rolls are hosted in the web site of the CEO's office. Earlier, any applicant seeking 'e' registration had to submit 'on line' only Form 6 or 8A as the case may be, (without the photo) but with the photo rolls in place, it is necessary for him to furnish his photo also along with the application. The submission of photo along with Form 6/8A is necessary for incorporation of the photo in the Photo Rolls and for preparation of Electors' Photo Identity Card thereafter. The applicant should submit his passport size photograph through e-mail as an attachment to Form 6/8A. Of course, he should have a valid E-mail ID. Such applications will be received only by the District Election Officers/Chief Electoral Officer. The requirements / process involved in the online registration are as follows:

Online registration click hear
for more details click hear---- http://www.elections.tn.gov.in/
Only a person with a valid e-mail I.D. can seek recourse to this facility

On clicking the appropriate link in the web site, the user will be able to access the online form. The online form is very similar to the Form 6 with additional inputs like e-mail I.D. and telephone number etc.

To help the user, a help note on the various "steps to be followed for online registration" is available on the web site.

The applicant after filling up all the fields without omission in the on-line Form can submit the same by clicking the 'submit' button.

The applicant will get an e-mail confirmation with a unique application number (generated by the computer) in the e-mail ID as given in the online form by the applicant.

The e-mail will have three options viz. confirmation, modification and deletion of the submitted details.

On clicking 'confirmation', the details in the on-line form will be forwarded to the District Election Officers concerned.

On clicking 'modification', the applicant will be able to make any changes in the online form and resubmit. The applicant will be asked to click 'confirm' link in the e-mail received earlier.

On clicking 'deletion', the details submitted in online form will be deleted, and hence no details will be forwarded to District Election Officer.

As indicated above on 'confirmation', the details will be forwarded to District Election Officer. For this purpose, a separate e-mail ID has been created for each district with user I.D. as deo_ (name of district) which is available with the Programmers in the DEO’s Office. All applications received shall be entered in a separate register at District Election Officer's office with name, address of applicant and unique application number, before forwarding the application to Electoral Registration Officers.

On receipt, after printing the details, the Programmers can use the online web search facility to check whether the individual's name is available in the electoral rolls.

If available, the Assembly Constituency No., Part No. and Sl.No. of the elector may be written on the application and in the District Election Officer's office register and forwarded to the Electoral Registration Officers for record.

The Electoral Registration Officer has to enter all such application in a register in his office and forward the same to field-staff for verification of details and getting signature of the applicant.

If the claimant does not attach a photograph with the application sent by e-mail, the non furnishing of photo should not become a ground for rejection of the claim; the field-staff should obtain the same from the claimant while going for verification of the details.

After receiving the details from the field-staff, if the Electoral Registration Officer is satisfied, he can include the name in the Electoral Roll by following the usual procedure. If necessary, the Electoral Registration Officer can make further inquiries before taking a decision.

The Electoral Registration Officer has to note the disposal with reasons in the register, so that the e-mail reply can be given to the applicant after the draft publication of rolls indicating the disposal and reasons etc.

Help Note-

Steps to be followed for on-line registration for inclusion of name in the Electoral Roll

1. The online registration in electoral roll in a particular Assembly Constituency in Tamil Nadu is available only for Indian Citizens who are of the age of 18 or above (as  on
1st of January of the year in which revision of e.roll is taken up) and who are ordinarily resident of the area.

2. NRIs and non-residents cannot register as voter in any area.

3. Kindly ensure that your name is presently not there in the electoral roll.

4. * (asterisk) - marked columns in the on-line form are compulsory.

5. You need to have valid e-mail address to avail yourself of this facility

6. You need to upload scanned image of your photograph after the submission of the form

7. Deletion or modification of names in electoral roll cannot be done through this facility.

8. Fill up your form properly and click on ‘submit’ button

9. For confirmation check your e-mail account.

10. Click on the ‘confirm’ link in your e-mail for processing of your Form.

11. A staff member will come to your place for verification and obtaining your signature

aadhaar online Appointment

To book online appointment you need to fill the above form where you will be asked the details like your e-mail, mobile number, state or union territory, area type (whether rural or urban), city, locality, enrolment centre which is nearer to you, date and time of enrolment you wish according to your availability. A maximum of four people can confirm their appointment at a time, however, you can book again for getting another appointment schedule. After filling up all the details in the form, you need to click on the Fix Appointment button to confirm your appointment.

Online Booking of Appointment for Aadhaar Enrollments has been started on a trial basis at selected Enrollment Centers

click hear to appointment -- AADHAAR

kerala voter id edit application

Last date for filing claims and objections was on 20.11.2012 .
 E-Registration facility will be available only after January 15th 2013, after the ongoing Summary Revision 2013.

edit application and acknowledgement 

Click hear to changes 

Contact Us

Election Department
Kerala Legislative Complex
Vikas Bhavan P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 033
Phone : 0471 2305116
Fax :0471 2309334
Addl. Secretary & Addl. CEO
Phone: 0471 2307167
Under Secretary & Asst. CEO
Phone: 0471 2301083
Section Officer, ACCOUNTS & Public Information Officer
Phone: 0471 2300121
Addl. Secretary & Addl.CEO(SVEEP)
Phone: 0471 2300070
Section Officer, GENERAL & Public Information Officer
Phone: 0471 2300121
Section Officer, EQUIPMENT & Public Information Officer
Phone: 0471 2300121
Email Us


Monday, December 24, 2012

voter id online apply

        The Chief Electoral Officer functions under the overall supervision and control of the Election Commission of India. It monitors the work relating to the conduct of General Elections and Bye-Elections to the House of People from Andhra Pradesh, A.P. Legislative Assembly and A.P. Legislative Council. This includes preparation and updation of Electoral Rolls, Issue of Photo Identity Cards to Electors, rationalization/re-organization of Polling Stations, voters' education, implementation of Model Code of Conduct, the Election Laws and the instructions issued by the Election Commission of India from time to time.
Form No : 6 apply online click hear

Contact Us
Sri Bhanwar Lal
Chief Electoral Officer
Phone: 040-23457317
Fax: 040-23455781.
E-Mail:- ceo_andhrapradesh@eci.gov.in

Addl.CEO & E.O. Secretary to Govt.

Sri V.Venkateswara Rao
Addl.CEO & Jt. Secretary to Govt.
Phone: 040-23451700.

Sri M.A.Fahim Saberi
Jt.CEO & Jt.Secretary to Govt.
Phone: 040-23454438 (Off & Fax)

'H' Block, South wing
GA(Elections) Dept.
A.P.Secretariat, Hyderabad., 040-23455781(Fax)

For any Election related enquiry, please call our Helpline.

Callcenter No. 1950

DEOs - Contact Numbers and e-mail IDs

EROs - Contact Numbers and e-mail IDs

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

IOB Internet banking application

Internet banking online application from fill and print out the copy submit to bank .. internet banking activate with in 24 hours  www.iob.in    

Individuals and Proprietary Concerns

This option is for Individuals and Proprietary concerns
You can register your Savings/ Current Account /Cash Credit accounts
Add accounts after logging in
Pay Direct / Indirect Taxes
Transfer funds to accounts within our Bank
Transfer funds to accounts of other banks
Pay utility bills


This option is for Partnership firms and Limited Companies
You can register your Current Account /Cash Credit
Add users to corporate login
Add accounts after logging in
Pay Direct / Indirect Taxes
Multi level Funds transfer Authorization
Transfer funds to accounts within our Bank
Transfer funds to accounts of other banks.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

NET 2012 Application Form

  NET 2012 Application Form :-
 Notification for UGC net on-line Application type for 2012 and registration CSIR will take the National Eligibility check (net 2012) in month of June and December, suggests that twice during a} very year for giving certificate. University Grants Commission will issue the advertisement with reference to the appliance sort for the upcoming June and Dec exam four to 6 weeks ago. Therefore all the desire dates will get the enough time to use on-line for net 2012. it's one in every of biggest and most waited written sign up our country, thus we've an inclination to are taking special care throughout this page to supply you latest details relating to some way to submit world wide net Application internet Application kind For 2012 with a way to Download Application kind sort for 2012 on-line and where to download the admit card etc, so please come again to the current page when it slow back or check below official websites to use currently.

Download Application Form - www.ugcnetonline.in



Click Here for Detailed
Dt: 28/12/2011

Last date for fee payment :                          28/07/2012
Last date for submit application:                30/07/2012
Exam Dates:                                                      12/08/2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012



Last date for fee payment :                          27/06/2012
Last date for submit application:                29/06/2012
Exam Dates:                                                   29/07/2012




Last date for fee payment :                          05/07/2012
Last date for submit application:                07/07/2012
Exam Dates:                                                   26/08/2012



Last date for fee payment :                          05/07/2012
Last date for submit application:                07/07/2012
Exam Dates:                                                   26/08/2012



Last date for fee payment :                          05/07/2012
Last date for submit application:                07/07/2012
Exam Dates:                                                   23/09/2012



Last date for fee payment :                          28/06/2012
Last date for submit application:                30/06/2012
Exam Dates:                                                   11/08/2012

Passport application form

Application Forms 
Form No. 1 is to be used for Fresh/ Reissue/Replacement of  Lost/Damaged passports/ Change of Name/ Appearance/ Exhaustion of pages . The same application form is used for passports for minors as well.
New passport means applying for a passport for the first time or applying for a passport if you have never held any passport earlier. In case an application was ever made at any Passport Office prior to the present application and whether the application was processed or closed, or even if passport was issued and not received by the applicant, details thereof should be given in the relevant column in the present application. Failure to disclose these details, if any, would invite applicable penalty.
Reissue means an application for another passport in lieu of an existing one which has either expired or is about to expire. An applicant may apply for a new passport in lieu of an expired/ about to expire passport upto 3 years after and 1 year before the expiry of the Passport. Re-issue of passport should not be mistaken for renewal of passport. Renewal of passport means that a passport which was originally issued for a short validity of one to five years - under certain emergency conditions on the part of the applicant - is now required to be extended to its full validity of ten years from the date of issue of the passport. (Renewal is a zero fee service and the application should be made in Form No. 2).
A New passport is issued in lieu of a lost/damaged passport.
 Application Form No. 2 is for making application for Police Clearance Certificate, Deletion of ECR Stamp, Inclusion of Spouse's name and change of address. The same Form is used for renewing a short term validity passport to its full term validity.
Personal Particulars Form (PP Form)
PP Form is used for Police Verification Report. This is a part of Application Form No. 1. This can be filled up separately if required by the Passport Office for reverification. In case an applicant has resided at more than one place in last one year, an additional set of PP form for each address/ place has to be filled up.

Download Application Form No. 1 Hindi /  English 
Download Application Form No. 2
Download Personal Particulars Form (PP Form)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Income tax application for japan

  Application for Income Tax Convention

              If non-residents those who stay or have a place of residence in Japan less than 1 yearearn income in Japan, it is subject to a 20 withholding income tax.

Under the Income Tax Convention, a relief from Japanese Income Tax on certain types of earnings is available. The Convention is applicable only when Japan and your country have a treaty regarding the convention. Scopes/Degrees of such relief differ, depending on the countries.

            Researchers who are from the countries with which Japan has a tax treaty: If you engage in the activities paid by Kyushu University, please submit the documents stated below.

required detaiols
1 Application Form for Income Tax Convention Please clickhere for download
ï¼’ Contract
3 A copy of the applicant's passport
ï¼” A copy of Certificate of Eligibility

You might be requested to submit documents in addition to those mentioned above, depending on your nationality/country. For further information, please see National Tax Agency's website (available in Japanese).

Submit by a day before the applicant gets a first paycheck after he/she arrives in Japan            
5 Application Form for Refund for the Overpaid Withholding Tax [Form11] (click here for download
ï¼– A salary payment certificate
ï¼— Pay slip(s)
8 A copy of a bankbook of the account to which the overpaid withholding tax will be refunded

For further information, please see National Tax Agency's website 

Monday, June 11, 2012

HTW Exchange Students Application Forms

Studying at the HTW
                                The HTW offers study programmes in the fields of technology, computer science, business, culture and design, all of which are organised in five departments. The entire range of available study programmes is supplemented by a broad spectrum of advanced training activities.   In the Studying section you will find comprehensive information on the study programmes and degrees, foreign languages offered, and all the information relevant to organising your course of study

Exchange Students Application Forms

Study Programmes
                              Here you can gain an overview of all the study programmes at the HTW in addition to study programme-specific information for prospective students and those currently enrolled.
Study Programmesb www-en.htw-berlin.de
If you are interested in English language studies,we can offer you the following study programmes:
International Business (Bachelor's degree)
International Business (Master's degree)
Construction and Real Estate Management (Master's degree)
Business Administration and Engineering (postgraduate Master's degree)
International and Development Economics (postgraduate Master's degree)

               There are still a few study programmes offered by the HTW in which you can earn a conventional German "Diplom" degree. Yet most study programmes have now been adapted to the internationally known Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

HWT Freemover Application Forms

Studying at the HTW
                                The HTW offers study programmes in the fields of technology, computer science, business, culture and design, all of which are organised in five departments. The entire range of available study programmes is supplemented by a broad spectrum of advanced training activities. www-en.htw-berlin.de In the Studying section you will find comprehensive information on the study programmes and degrees, foreign languages offered, and all the information relevant to organising your course of study

Freemover Application Forms

Study Programmes
                              Here you can gain an overview of all the study programmes at the HTW in addition to study programme-specific information for prospective students and those currently enrolled.
Study Programmes
If you are interested in English language studies,we can offer you the following study programmes:
International Business (Bachelor's degree)
International Business (Master's degree)
Construction and Real Estate Management (Master's degree)
Business Administration and Engineering (postgraduate Master's degree)
International and Development Economics (postgraduate Master's degree)

               There are still a few study programmes offered by the HTW in which you can earn a conventional German "Diplom" degree. Yet most study programmes have now been adapted to the internationally known Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Germany Visa Application

In order to bring about greater efficiency in issuing of visas, the German Consulate, Chennai, has extended their collection of visa applications and delivery process in Puducherry through VFS Global, the world’s largest outsourced consular services company.
Effective 01st December 2010, VFS Global will operate Germany Visa Application Centre in Puducherry for the applicants currently residing in and around Puducherry. However, the decision to grant a visa or otherwise would continue to remain with the German Consulate, Chennai.

How to apply?

Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Chennai 

All applicants applying for Schengen ( Tourist, Business, Transit etc) & all Long term visa’s are advised to visit the VFS German application centres in their respective locations to submit their application & also to schedule an interview. 

Applicants can now also fill in their Schengen visa application form ( Type A, B & C) on the “Visa Extern” online via the internet. 

Step by Step procedure/guidelines to fill the online Schengen Visa Application form ( Visa Extern Manual) - Click here 

Click here to fill in an online Schengen Visa Application form - http://visa.diplo.de click hear


When the new visa codex enters into force on 5 April 2010 there will also be changes to the standard visa application form. You may continue to use Visa Extern; however, you must also fill in the mandatory new application form and sign it. 

Frequent travellers(holder of at least two Schengen Visas issued in the last two years, at least one of these visas issued by any German Consulate or Embassy) may submit their applications via the Visa Application Centers without scheduling an appointment for a visa interview. This option, however, is not available for first time travellers. 

Please note that the German Consulate in Chennai issues visas only for residents in its territory of operation - Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. 

If you are travelling to Germany for business, studies, research or other reasons please read the information sheets for each category carefully. Applications with complete documentation can only be processed by the German Consulate. 

Applicants residing in the Consulate`s area of jurisdiction may obtain National as well as Schengen Visas at the German Consulate in Chennai if their main destination is Germany. Applications for Schengen Visas will also be accepted if the main destination is Iceland and Norway

Russia business visa

1. A foreign citizen can obtain a visa to Russia ONLY in the country of his/her citizenship. Exceptions include those who have a residence permit for a foreign country for the period more than 90 days. However, www.visatorussia.com the final decision is left up to the consulates. We recommend that you get in touch with the Russian consulate in the country of your current location and make sure that your application will be accepted.  
2. A multiple entry business visa allows nationals of all countries to stay in Russia up to 90 days out of the period of 180 days.  Attention: a multiple entry visa is only available for people who have been issued a Russian visa before. If this is your first visit, you are only eligible to obtain a single or double entry visa for 1 to 3 months. 

Effective April 13, 2009 the visa processing time and fees at the Russian consulates have changed. www.visatorussia.com The visa processing takes no less than 3 business days. To obtain up to date information on the visa processing time and fees, please contact your local Russian consulate.

Russian tourist visa

A foreign citizen can obtain a visa to Russia ONLY in the country of his/her citizenship. Exceptions include those who have a residence permit for a foreign country for the period more than 90 days. However, the final decision is left up to the consulates. We recommend that you get in touch with the Russian consulate in the country of your current location and make sure that your application will be accepted. click hear to apply
 Effective April 13, 2009 the visa processing time and fees at the Russian consulates have changed. www.visatorussia.com The visa processing takes no less than 3 business days. To obtain up to date information on the visa processing time and fees, please contact your local Russian consulate.

Group visa to Russia

Group visa to Russia

A foreign citizen can obtain a visa to Russia ONLY in the country of his/her citizenship. Exceptions include those who have a residence permit for a foreign country for the period more than 90 days. A visa may also be issued in a country other than an applicant's own in case of urgent necessity, such as participating in international, governmental, official, scientific, sport and cultural events. A final decision in these cases would be left up to the consulate.

Effective April 13, 2009 the visa processing time and fees at the Russian consulates have changed. The visa processing takes no less than 3 business days. To obtain up to date information on the visa processing time and fees, please contact your local Russian consulate. www.visatorussia.com

Russian Visa Application Form

Russian Visa Application Form

NEW! YOU CAN FILL OUT FORM ONLINE.  Click here to view or print the Russian Visa Application Form now After that, just print, sign and send it with other required paperwork.

FOR US CITIZENS ONLY.  Effective April 1, 2004, US citizens applying for Russians visas should submit to the Consulate a new Application Form. The new form is implemented on the basis of reciprocity and replaces the previous standard Application Form and the Supplemental Form. Please click here to view or print this form if you qualify. After that, just print, sign and send it with other required paperwork.  

NEW! IF APPLYING IN THE UK.  Those who apply for a visa in the UK need to fill in a special application form. www.visatorussia.com Please contact the consulate in London or Edinburgh for further instructions.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 Jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah,  Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho and California. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL VISA APPLICANTS: 1. Passport in original valid for a minimum of six months should accompany visa applications. 2. Paste/staple TWO 2”x2” passport size photograph at the space provided on the front page (right top corner). 3. Foreigners holding other than United States passports should submit proof of long- term (at least three years)/ permanent residence (copy of  green card) in the United States. For citizens of other countries, who do not normally stay in U. S. ,  a reference has to be made to their country  of residence for which an additional $20 fee is applicable and will involve five to seven days processing time (see also (a) to (e)). Please refrain  from making inquiries about the status of application during this time. 4. For citizens of other countries, who are visitors in USA please also submit the Clearance form. 5. Payment of Fees:  All fees should be paid either in cash (accepted only at the counter) or through money orders, bank drafts or cashier  checks (by Mail) drawn in favor of Consulate General of India, San Francisco, WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS, COMPANY CHECKS AND CREDIT CARDS. If such payments are sent the application cannot be processed and it will only delay the  service. Please do not send any cash by mail as cash is accepted only at the counter. It must be noted that fees once received cannot be refunded  under any circumstances, even if the application is withdrawn by the applicant or services are not provided to the individual as his case does  not qualify for that particular service. This amount may be combined with the fees and only one draft/money order/cashier check could be sent. Please Note: Visas are issued valid from the date of Issue, for period applied for by the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to  apply in time and for validity as per their requirement

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


It's raining scholarships... There are a wide range of scholarships on offer from Irish universities, IT's and colleges for Sep. 2009 intake.
Recession, No Recession... you now have more reasons to study in Ireland. Apply immediately to avail scholarships and other free-bees.
• University of Limerick is offering 50% tuition fees off on its Post Graduate Science & Engineering     courses to eligible applicants.

• Dublin City University if offering limited number € 3000 scholarship to Post Graduate and Under     Graduate eligible applicants.

• National University of Ireland Galway is offering limited number of € 3000 scholarship to applicants     for MSc. Software Design and Development and Masters in Information Technology courses.

• Dundalk Institute of Technology is offering: 1) FREE On-Campus ACCOMMODATION
                                                                         2) FREE FLIGHT TICKETS to Ireland 

• Waterford Institute of Technology is offering 50% tuition fees off on selected Post Graduate as well      as Under Graduate courses.


Ireland offers education for next generation industries as well as traditional academic areas. Many Indian students are increasingly finding Ireland as an attractive destination to study abroad. With cutting edge research facilities, Ireland offers wide range of courses to choose from multiple disciplines. Ireland can be your destination to study abroad and gain a globally valid international qualification for the following reasons: 
 Irish education is of the highest international quality English is the medium of instruction Irish universities and institutes are widely recognised for excellence in many disciplines Ireland is a knowledge society in the new global economy due to investment in research 2007 Independent IMD World Competitiveness Report cited that 'The education  system in Ireland        is one of the best in the world' Ireland is a highly developed democracy with a modern economy The Irish economy is particularly strong in the areas of software development, pharmaceuticals,      manufacturing and international services

                 If Ireland is your destination study abroad to gain an globally valid international qualification from a developed European country, you have the option of selecting among Universities, Institutes of Technologies and Private Colleges. When you approach Lemma One, our experienced counsellors will take into account your academic background, skills & career interests other relevant criteria and suggest you accordingly options that would be the best-fit.  UNIVERSITIES Ireland has 7 Universities. All of Irish Universities are public institutions and offer a wide range of undergraduate and post graduate programmes, as well as post doctoral and research opportunities. They are all involved in leading edge research programs often supported by the government and they have close links to business and industry. In the universities, quality is assured both by the Irish government and by the universities own internal and international peer review.  Irish Universities popular among Indian students are (and where Indian students are found in large numbers: University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Galway University College Cork Dublin City University University of Limerick INSTITUTES of TECHNOLOGIES Ireland has 14 Institutes of Technologies.  They cater to the ever increasing demand of Ireland’s high technology economy and offers programs to the highest standards and at all levels from craft, through technician, to undergraduate and post graduate degrees in science and technology as well as business, hospitality and the humanities. These are publicly funded and their quality too is assured by the Irish government.  Irish Technology Institutes popular among Indian students are (and where Indian students are found in large numbers): Dublin Institute of Technology Waterford Institute of Technology Dundalk Institute of Technology INDEPENDENT / PRIVATE COLLEGES Side by side with the publicly funded tertiary sector are a number of private institutions, offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs, primarily in a range of specializations sought after by the industry and commerce. The Irish government’s Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) provides stringent quality assurance for the private sector. There are 24 recognized private colleges in Ireland.  Irish private colleges popular among Indian students are (and where Indian students are found in large numbers: Dublin Business School HSI Limerick Business School Griffith College