Monday, April 7, 2014

FEE PAYABLE U/R 81 OF C.M.V. RULES, 1989 AP Transport

Sl.No Purpose Amount in Rs.
01 Grant and renewal of trade certificate in respect of each vehicle: Form – 16
a) Motorcycle 50.00
b) Invalid Carriage 50.00
c) Others 200.00
02 Duplicate Trade Certificate form – 17
a) Motorcycle 30.00
b) Invalid Carriage 30.00
c) Others 100.00
03 Appeal under Rule 46, form – 20 100.00
04 Issue, renewal of certificates of registration and assignment of new registration mark.
a) Invalid carriage 20.00
b) Motor cycle 60.00
c) Light motor vehicle
      (i) Non-Transport 200.00
      (ii) Transport 300.00
d) Medium goods vehicle 400.00
e) Medium passenger motor vehicle 400.00
f) Heavy goods vehicle 600.00
g) Heavy passenger motor vehicle 600.00 whether
h) Imported motor vehicle 800.00
i) Imported motorcycle 200.00
j) Any other vehicle not mentioned above 300.00
05 Issue of duplicate certificate of registration, Form-26 Half of the fee mentioned in serial number 4
06 Transfer of ownership, Form-29, Form-30 Half of the fee mentioned in serial number 4
07 Change of residence, Form-33 20.00
08 Recording alteration in the certificate of Registration 50.00
09 Endorsing hire-purchase/ Form-34 lease / hypothecation agreement. 100.00
10 Cancellation of hire-purchase/ lease/ hypothecation agreement or issue of fresh certificate of registration, Form-35 100.00
11 Conducting test of vehicle for Grant/Renewal of F.C: Form-38
     (i) 2/3 wheeled vehicle 100.00
     (ii) Light Motor vehicle 200.00
     (iii) Medium motor vehicle 300.00
     (iv) Heavy motor vehicle 400.00
12 Grant / Renewal of F.C. for vehicle 100.00
13 Grant and Renewal of letter of authority 5,000.00
14 Issue of duplicate letter of authority 5,000.00
15 Appeal under Rule 70 400.00

Provided that in case for any purpose referred to in serial No. 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of this table is issued on any Smart Card an additional amount of fee of Rs. Two hundred shall be charged for each such card.

Fee for inspection of a vehicle and to offer opinion in respect of any vehicles owned by Non-Government Institutions. (G.O.Rt.No.607, Dt.24-6-88, Tr, R&B (Transport Department).

Trade certificate ap transport

An Application for the grant or renewal of a trade certificate shall be made in Form 16 and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee as specified in rule 81.

Separate applications shall be made for each of the following classes of vehicles, namely:-

A. motor cycle;
B. invalid carriage;
C. light motor vehicle;
D. medium passenger motor vehicle;
E. medium goods vehicle;
F. heavy passenger motor vehicle;
G. heavy goods vehicle;
H. any other motor vehicle of a specified description.

Grant or renewal of trade certificate
On receipt of an application for the grant or renewal of a trade certificate in respect of a vehicle , the registering authority may, if satisfied that the applicant is a bonafide dealer and requires the certificates specified in the applicant one or more certificate , as the case may be , in Form 17[within thirty days from the date of receipt of such an application] and shall assign in respect of each certificate a trade registration mark consisting of the registration mark referred to in notification made under sub-section (6) of section 41 and followed by two letters and a number containing not more than three digits for each vehicle, for example

» AB - Represent State Code.
» 12 - Registration District Code.
» TC1 - Trade certificate number for the vehicle.

No applicant for trade certificate shall be refused by the registering authority unless the applicant is given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for such refusal are given in writing.

where the registering authority refuses to issue or renew a trade certificate, it shall refund to the applicant fifty percent of the fee paid along with the application.

Period of validity
A trade certificate granted or renewed under rule 35 shall be in force for a period of twelve months from the date of issue or renewal there of shall be effective throughout India.

Issue of duplicate certificates
If at any time the trade certificate is lost or destroyed, its holder shall report to the police station in the jurisdiction of which the loss or destruction has occurred and intimate the fact in writing to the registering authority by whom the certificate was issued and apply in Form 18 to the said authority for a duplicate certificate accompanied by the appropriate fee as specified in rule 81.

On receipt of an application along with the fee , the registering authority may issue a duplicate trade certificate clearly marked “Duplicate”.

If after the issue of a duplicate certificate the original is traced, the same shall be surrendered forthwith to the registering authority by which it was issued.

Use of trade registration mark and number
A trade registration mark and number shall not be used upon more than one vehicle at a time or upon any vehicle other than a vehicle bonafide in the possession of the dealer in the course of his business or on any type of vehicle other than the one for which the trade certificate is issued.

The trade certificate shall be carried on a motor vehicle in a weather-proof circular folder and trade registration mark shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place in the vehicle.

Restrictions on use of trade certificate or trade registration mark and number
A trade certificate shall be used only by the person to whom it is issued and such person shall not allow or offer or cause the certificate or the number assigned in connection there with to be used by any other person;

Provided that the provision of this rule shall not apply where the person to whom the certificate is granted, or a person bonafide in his employment and acting under his authority , or any other person bonafide acting on behalf of the folder of a trade certificate is present in the vehicle , or if such vehicle is designed for use by only one person and is being used by a prospective purchaser of that vehicle for the purpose of reasonable test or trail.

Purposes for which motor vehicle with trade certificate may be used
for test, by or on behalf of the holder of a trade certificate during the course of, or after completion of, construction or repair; or
for proceeding to or returning from a weigh bridge for or after weighment, or to and from any place for its registration; or
for a reasonable trail or demonstration by or for the benefit of a prospective purchaser and for proceeding to or returning from the place where such person intends to keeps it; or
(d) for proceeding to or returning from the premises of the dealer or of the purchaser or of any any other dealer for the purpose of delivery; or
for proceeding to or returning from a workshop with the objective of fitting a body to the vehicle or painting or for repairs; or
F. for proceeding to and returning from airport, railway station, wharf for or after being transported, or
for proceeding to or returning from an exhibition of motor vehicles or any place at which the vehicle is to be or has been offered for sale; or
for removing the vehicle after it has been taken possession of by or on behalf of the financier due to any default on the part of the other party under the provisions of an agreement of hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation.

Delivery of vehicle subject to registration
No holder of a trade certificate shall deliver a motor vehicle to a purchaser without registration, whether temporary or permanent.

Friday, April 4, 2014



1. Name of the Applicant .....................................................................
2. Son/Wife/Daughter of .....................................................................
3. Permanent address .....................................................................
4. Official / Temporary .....................................................................
address (if any) .....................................................................
5. Date of birth Date.............. Month............ Year ...............
Age on date of application .....................................................................
6. Identification marks (1).................................................................
(a) Do you suffer from epilepsy, or from sudden attacks of loss of consciousness or
giddiness from any cause ? Yes/No.
(b) Are you able to distinguish with each eye (or if you have held a driving license to
drive a motor vehicle for a period of not less than five years and if you have lost,
the sight of one eye after the said period of five years and if the application is for
driving a motor vehicle other than a transport vehicle fitted with an outside mirror
on the steering wheel side) or with eye, at a distance of 25 metres in good day light
(with glasses, if worn ) a motor car number plate? Yes/No.
(c) Have you lost either hand or foot or are you suffering from a defect or muscular
power of either arm or leg ? Yes/ No.
(d) Can you readily distinguish the pigmentary colours, red and green ? Yes/No.
(e) Do you suffer from night blindness ? Yes/No.
(f) Are you so deaf as to be unable to hear (and if the application is for driving a light
motor vehicle, with or without hearing aid) the ordinary sound signal ? Yes/No
(g) Do you suffer from any other disease or disability likely to cause your driving of a
motor vehicle to be a source of danger to the public, if so, give details. Yes/No
I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars gives above
and the declaration made therein are true.
(Signature or thumb impression of the application)
Note : (1) Applicant who answers `Yes' to any of the questions (a), (c), (e), (f) and (g)
or `No' to either of the questions (b) and (d) should amplify his answers with
full particulars, and may be required to give further information relating
(2) This declaration is to be submitted invariably certificate in Form 1-A.

Issuance of Certificates

police Missing items / Lost Documents / Articles

police Missing items / Lost Documents / Articles

Police report if you have lost or had your wallet/purse stolen.
How to file the Police report

If you have lost or had your wallet or purse stolen, you should file a Police report in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. If you do not know where you lost your wallet/purse you can file a report with your local Police department.

You can call the Police department and find out what reporting options are available to you.

You may be able to file the report on-line, over the phone or in person by going to the Police station. Some Police departments may send a Patrol car to your location to take a report.

What you need to file the report

You will need proper identification to start the report. You will need to provide the Police with the last place and time you knew you had your wallet/purse.

Provide the Police with a list of items, documentation and identification that was in your wallet or purse.

Make sure you list all the items that are of most importance such as; credit cards, driver's license and anything that may have had your social security number. These are items that suspects can use to steal your identity.

Why file a report

Filing a Police report covers you in case anyone uses your credit cards, steals your identity or commits a crime using your personal information.

The bank will need you to file a Police report in order to reimburse your account for any fraudulent charges or withdraws made on your credit cards.

The DMV will need you to file a Police report in order to issue you a new driver's license.

Filing this report is critical.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Opening a Demat Account CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA

Opening a Demat Account click hear application

Depository is an organization, which holds investors' securities in electronic form. The depository also provides services related to various transactions in such securities.

A depository interfaces with its investors through Depository Participants. Depository Participants maintain investors' accounts (Demat accounts), which are similar to Savings Bank/Current accounts with a Bank. Purchase and sale of securities can be done through Demat account.
Why open a Demat account?
It helps you to avoid the trouble of storing share certificates, remember record dates, book closure period, validity date of transfer deeds, maintain record of securities held etc. It reduces paperwork and quickens the transactions and payment settlements.

As a Depository Participant of Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL), Central Bank of India facilitates to open Demat Account at any of the following Designated Branches and view your holdings through Internet.

Fees Schedule for Investers

1 Account Opening Charges Nil

2 Account Maintenance Charges Rs .200/- (For Corporate A/Cs Rs. 700/-

3 Documentation Charges Actual Stamp Cost

4 Custody Charges Nil

5 Purchares (Market/Off Market) Nil

6 Sale ((Market/Off Market) 0.20%of the transaction Value (Mini. Rs.20/- per transaction)

7 Dematerialization Rs. 2/- Per Certificate

8 Postage per Demat Request Rs. 25/-

9 Rematerialization Rs.25/- Per Certificate

10 Postage for Remat Request Rs.25/-

11 Creation /Confirmation of Creation of Pledge 0.02% of the transaction value (Minimum Rs 25/- per transaction.)

12 Closure / Confirmation of Closure of Pledge 0.02% of the transaction value (Minimum Rs 25/- per transaction.)

13 Pledge Invocation 0.02% of the transaction value (Minimum Rs 25/- per transaction.)

14 Account Closing Charges Nil

15 Securities Leanding Nil

16 Securities Borrowing Rs.50/-

17 Late Transaction Charges Rs. 10/- per Transaction

18 Failed Transaction/Rejulition Rs. 25/-

19 Other Charges All Taxes/Services Tax/Levies/cess as applicable

Form W-2C and W-3

Including Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-3SS, W-2c, and W-3c
General Instructions for form W-2C and W-3


Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding

General Instructions
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
otherwise noted.
Firms and workers file Form SS-8 to request a determination of
the status of a worker for purposes of federal employment taxes
and income tax withholding.
A Form SS-8 determination may be requested only in order to
resolve federal tax matters. If Form SS-8 is submitted for a tax
year for which the statute of limitations on the tax return has
expired, a determination letter will not be issued. The statute of
limitations expires 3 years from the due date of the tax return or
the date filed, whichever is later.
The IRS does not issue a determination letter for proposed
transactions or on hypothetical situations. We may, however,
issue an information letter when it is considered appropriate.
Firm. For the purposes of this form, the term “firm” means any
individual, business enterprise, organization, state, or other
entity for which a worker has performed services. The firm may
or may not have paid the worker directly for these services.
If the firm was not responsible for payment for
services, be sure to enter the name, address, and
employer identification number of the payer on the
first page of Form SS-8, below the identifying
information for the firm and the worker.
The Form SS-8 Determination Process
The IRS will acknowledge the receipt of your Form SS-8.
Because there are usually two (or more) parties who could be
affected by a determination of employment status, the IRS
attempts to get information from all parties involved by sending
those parties blank Forms SS-8 for completion. Some or all of
the information provided on this Form SS-8 may be shared with
the other parties listed on page 1. The case will be assigned to a
technician who will review the facts, apply the law, and render a
decision. The technician may ask for additional information from
the requestor, from other involved parties, or from third parties
that could help clarify the work relationship before rendering a
decision. The IRS will generally issue a formal determination to
the firm or payer (if that is a different entity), and will send a
copy to the worker. A determination letter applies only to a
worker (or a class of workers) requesting it, and the decision is
binding on the IRS. In certain cases, a formal determination will
not be issued. Instead, an information letter may be issued.
Although an information letter is advisory only and is not binding
on the IRS, it may be used to assist the worker to fulfill his or her
federal tax obligations.
Neither the Form SS-8 determination process nor the review
of any records in connection with the determination constitutes
an examination (audit) of any federal tax return. If the periods
under consideration have previously been examined, the Form
SS-8 determination process will not constitute a reexamination
under IRS reopening procedures. Because this is not an
examination of any federal tax return, the appeal rights available
in connection with an examination do not apply to a Form SS-8
determination. However, if you disagree with a determination or
you have additional information concerning the work
relationship that you believe was not previously considered, you
may request that the determining office reconsider the
Completing Form SS-8
Answer all questions as completely as possible. Attach
additional sheets if you need more space. Provide information
for all years the worker provided services for the firm.
Determinations are based on the entire relationship between the
firm and the worker. Also indicate if there were any significant
changes in the work relationship over the service term.
Additional copies of this form may be obtained on or
by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).
There is no fee for requesting a Form SS-8 determination letter.
Form SS-8 must be signed and dated by the taxpayer. A
stamped signature will not be accepted.
The person who signs for a corporation must be an officer of
the corporation who has personal knowledge of the facts. If the
corporation is a member of an affiliated group filing a
consolidated return, it must be signed by an officer of the
common parent of the group.
The person signing for a trust, partnership, or limited liability
company must be, respectively, a trustee, general partner, or
member-manager who has personal knowledge of the facts.
Where To File
Send the completed and signed Form SS-8 to the address
below for the firm's location. Faxed, photocopied, or electronic
versions of Form SS-8 are not acceptable for the initial request
for the Form SS-8 determination. However, only for cases
involving federal agencies, send Form SS-8 to the Internal
Revenue Service, Attn: CC:CORP:T:C, Ben Franklin Station,
P.O. Box 7604, Washington, DC 20044. Do not submit Form
SS-8 with your tax return as that will delay processing time.
Firm’s location: Send to:
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Hawaii,
Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Minnesota, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada, New
Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, Oregon, South
Dakota, Texas, Utah,
Washington, Wisconsin,
Wyoming, American Samoa,
Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin

Internal Revenue Service
Form SS-8 Determinations
P.O. Box 630
Stop 631
Holtsville, NY 11742-0630

Alabama, Connecticut,
Delaware, District of Columbia,
Florida, Georgia, Indiana,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mississippi, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee,
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia,
all other locations not listed

Internal Revenue Service
Form SS-8 Determinations
40 Lakemont Road
Newport, VT 05855-1555

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Register a new Company

Do you want to start an Indian Company?
To register a company, you need to first apply for a Director Identification Number (DIN) which can be done by filing eForm for acquiring the DIN. You would then need to acquire your Digital Certificate and register the same on the portal. Thereafter, you need to get the company name approved by the Ministry. Once the company name is approved , you can register the company by filing the incorporation form depending on the type of company

(Use quick links available on left panel in case steps are known)

Step 1 : Application For DIN

The concept of a Director Identification Number (DIN) has been introduced for the first time with the insertion of Sections 266A to 266G of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006. As such, all the existing and intending Directors have to obtain DIN within the prescribed time-frame as notified.
You need to file eForm DIN-1 in order to obtain DIN. To get more information about the same click Director Identification Number

Step 2 : Acquire/ Register DSC

The Information Technology Act, 2000 provides for use of Digital Signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form in order to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed electronically. This is the only secure and authentic way that a document can be submitted electronically. As such, all filings done by the companies under MCA21 e-Governance programme are required to be filed with the use of Digital Signatures by the person authorised to sign the documents.

Acquire DSC -A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000.

Register DSC -Role check for Indian companies is to be implemented in the MCA application. Role check can be performed only after the signatories have registered their Digital signature certificates (DSC) with MCA. To know about it click Register a DSC

Step 3 : New User Registration

To file an eForm or to avail any paid service on MCA portal, you are first required to register yourself as a user in the relevant user category, such as registered and business user. To register now click New User Registration

Step 4 : Incorporate a Company

Apply for the name of the company to be registered by filing Form1A for the same. After that depending upon the proposed company type file required incorporation forms listed below.

Form 1 : Application or declaration for incorporation of a company
Form 18 : Notice of situation or change of situation of registered office
Form 32 : Particulars of appointment of managing director, directors, manager and secretary and the changes among them or consent of candidate to act as a managing director or director or manager or secretary of a company and/ or undertaking to take and pay for qualification shares
Once the form has been approved by the concerned official of the Ministry, you will receive an email regarding the same and the status of the form will get changed to Approved. To know more about eFiling process click "All About eFiling"

Do you want to register a Part IX Company?
In order to register Part IX Company, applicant is required to file Form 1A for name availability. After approval of the same, applicant is required to file Form 37 and Form 39 along with filing e form 1, 18 and 32.

Do you want to register a Section 25 Company?
To register a section 25 company, applicant is required to file Form 1A for name availability. Once the name is approved/made available, there is a further requirement of obtaining a license for a Section 25 Company, for which Form 24 A is to be filed in order to obtain a license for such company. After obtaining license number, applicant can proceed further to incorporate a company by filing e forms 1, 18 and 32.
Do you want to start a Foreign Company?
Any foreign company can establish its place of business in India by filling Form 44 (Documents delivered for registration by a foreign company). The eForm has to be digitally signed by authorized representative of the foreign company.

There is no need to apply and obtain DIN for Directors of a foreign company but the DSC of the authorized representative is mandatory, which again is not required to be registered on MCA Application

Renewal of firm registration as approved supplier

Renewal of firm registration as approved supplier

i)Six months before the scheduled expiry of firm?s registration, Computer print out will be sent to
the firm which shows compliance of supply orders for stock and Non-Stock items pertaining to the
review period. Firm will be asked to submit supply position against each order, NSIC / DGS&D /
Rlys Certificate ( if applicable) and to explain if performance is Nil. Standard Format No.7< will be
used in this case.
ii) If firm fails to submit a reply to above letter or gives unsatisfactory reply, a show cause notice in
Standard Format will be issued to the firm with the approval of COS. FA&CAO(S) will be asked to
confirm regarding RP/GD dues or any other recoveries outstanding against the firm.
iii) File (duly filled in Standard Format No.8) will then be put up to respective JAG/SG Officers
controlling trade group for which the firm is registered for their recommendation to renew
registration. These Officers will give recommendations with reasons thereof and non-speaking
recommendation (without reason) shall not be recorded. Renewal will be granted with the
approval of COS.
v) Any other instructions given by COS like calling of firm?s representative, calling additional 
information form the firm or specific instructions to JAG/SG officers then the same shall be 
complied with and outcome will be put up to COS for decision.
vi) Renewal will be for a period of THREE YEARS as per Railway Board?s orders. 
Performance /Participation of vendor will also be considered for deciding renewal period.