The Forms pertaining to the rolls are hosted in the web site of the CEO's office. Earlier, any applicant seeking 'e' registration had to submit 'on line' only Form 6 or 8A as the case may be, (without the photo) but with the photo rolls in place, it is necessary for him to furnish his photo also along with the application. The submission of photo along with Form 6/8A is necessary for incorporation of the photo in the Photo Rolls and for preparation of Electors' Photo Identity Card thereafter. The applicant should submit his passport size photograph through e-mail as an attachment to Form 6/8A. Of course, he should have a valid E-mail ID. Such applications will be received only by the District Election Officers/Chief Electoral Officer. The requirements / process involved in the online registration are as follows:
Online registration click hear
for more details click hear----
Only a person with a valid e-mail I.D. can seek recourse to this facility
On clicking the appropriate link in the web site, the user will be able to access the online form. The online form is very similar to the Form 6 with additional inputs like e-mail I.D. and telephone number etc.
To help the user, a help note on the various "steps to be followed for online registration" is available on the web site.
The applicant after filling up all the fields without omission in the on-line Form can submit the same by clicking the 'submit' button.
The applicant will get an e-mail confirmation with a unique application number (generated by the computer) in the e-mail ID as given in the online form by the applicant.
The e-mail will have three options viz. confirmation, modification and deletion of the submitted details.
On clicking 'confirmation', the details in the on-line form will be forwarded to the District Election Officers concerned.
On clicking 'modification', the applicant will be able to make any changes in the online form and resubmit. The applicant will be asked to click 'confirm' link in the e-mail received earlier.
On clicking 'deletion', the details submitted in online form will be deleted, and hence no details will be forwarded to District Election Officer.
As indicated above on 'confirmation', the details will be forwarded to District Election Officer. For this purpose, a separate e-mail ID has been created for each district with user I.D. as deo_ (name of district) which is available with the Programmers in the DEO’s Office. All applications received shall be entered in a separate register at District Election Officer's office with name, address of applicant and unique application number, before forwarding the application to Electoral Registration Officers.
On receipt, after printing the details, the Programmers can use the online web search facility to check whether the individual's name is available in the electoral rolls.
If available, the Assembly Constituency No., Part No. and Sl.No. of the elector may be written on the application and in the District Election Officer's office register and forwarded to the Electoral Registration Officers for record.
The Electoral Registration Officer has to enter all such application in a register in his office and forward the same to field-staff for verification of details and getting signature of the applicant.
If the claimant does not attach a photograph with the application sent by e-mail, the non furnishing of photo should not become a ground for rejection of the claim; the field-staff should obtain the same from the claimant while going for verification of the details.
After receiving the details from the field-staff, if the Electoral Registration Officer is satisfied, he can include the name in the Electoral Roll by following the usual procedure. If necessary, the Electoral Registration Officer can make further inquiries before taking a decision.
The Electoral Registration Officer has to note the disposal with reasons in the register, so that the e-mail reply can be given to the applicant after the draft publication of rolls indicating the disposal and reasons etc.
Help Note-
Steps to be followed for on-line registration for inclusion of name in the Electoral Roll
1. The online registration in electoral roll in a particular Assembly Constituency in Tamil Nadu is available only for Indian Citizens who are of the age of 18 or above (as on
1st of January of the year in which revision of e.roll is taken up) and who are ordinarily resident of the area.
2. NRIs and non-residents cannot register as voter in any area.
3. Kindly ensure that your name is presently not there in the electoral roll.
4. * (asterisk) - marked columns in the on-line form are compulsory.
5. You need to have valid e-mail address to avail yourself of this facility
6. You need to upload scanned image of your photograph after the submission of the form
7. Deletion or modification of names in electoral roll cannot be done through this facility.
8. Fill up your form properly and click on ‘submit’ button
9. For confirmation check your e-mail account.
10. Click on the ‘confirm’ link in your e-mail for processing of your Form.
11. A staff member will come to your place for verification and obtaining your signature
Online registration click hear
for more details click hear----
Only a person with a valid e-mail I.D. can seek recourse to this facility
On clicking the appropriate link in the web site, the user will be able to access the online form. The online form is very similar to the Form 6 with additional inputs like e-mail I.D. and telephone number etc.
To help the user, a help note on the various "steps to be followed for online registration" is available on the web site.
The applicant after filling up all the fields without omission in the on-line Form can submit the same by clicking the 'submit' button.
The applicant will get an e-mail confirmation with a unique application number (generated by the computer) in the e-mail ID as given in the online form by the applicant.
The e-mail will have three options viz. confirmation, modification and deletion of the submitted details.
On clicking 'confirmation', the details in the on-line form will be forwarded to the District Election Officers concerned.
On clicking 'modification', the applicant will be able to make any changes in the online form and resubmit. The applicant will be asked to click 'confirm' link in the e-mail received earlier.
On clicking 'deletion', the details submitted in online form will be deleted, and hence no details will be forwarded to District Election Officer.
As indicated above on 'confirmation', the details will be forwarded to District Election Officer. For this purpose, a separate e-mail ID has been created for each district with user I.D. as deo_ (name of district) which is available with the Programmers in the DEO’s Office. All applications received shall be entered in a separate register at District Election Officer's office with name, address of applicant and unique application number, before forwarding the application to Electoral Registration Officers.
On receipt, after printing the details, the Programmers can use the online web search facility to check whether the individual's name is available in the electoral rolls.
If available, the Assembly Constituency No., Part No. and Sl.No. of the elector may be written on the application and in the District Election Officer's office register and forwarded to the Electoral Registration Officers for record.
The Electoral Registration Officer has to enter all such application in a register in his office and forward the same to field-staff for verification of details and getting signature of the applicant.
If the claimant does not attach a photograph with the application sent by e-mail, the non furnishing of photo should not become a ground for rejection of the claim; the field-staff should obtain the same from the claimant while going for verification of the details.
After receiving the details from the field-staff, if the Electoral Registration Officer is satisfied, he can include the name in the Electoral Roll by following the usual procedure. If necessary, the Electoral Registration Officer can make further inquiries before taking a decision.
The Electoral Registration Officer has to note the disposal with reasons in the register, so that the e-mail reply can be given to the applicant after the draft publication of rolls indicating the disposal and reasons etc.
Help Note-
Steps to be followed for on-line registration for inclusion of name in the Electoral Roll
1. The online registration in electoral roll in a particular Assembly Constituency in Tamil Nadu is available only for Indian Citizens who are of the age of 18 or above (as on
1st of January of the year in which revision of e.roll is taken up) and who are ordinarily resident of the area.
2. NRIs and non-residents cannot register as voter in any area.
3. Kindly ensure that your name is presently not there in the electoral roll.
4. * (asterisk) - marked columns in the on-line form are compulsory.
5. You need to have valid e-mail address to avail yourself of this facility
6. You need to upload scanned image of your photograph after the submission of the form
7. Deletion or modification of names in electoral roll cannot be done through this facility.
8. Fill up your form properly and click on ‘submit’ button
9. For confirmation check your e-mail account.
10. Click on the ‘confirm’ link in your e-mail for processing of your Form.
11. A staff member will come to your place for verification and obtaining your signature